Geological formation is a body of rock having a consistent set of physical characteristics (lithology) that distinguishes it from adjacent bodies of rock, and which occupies a particular position in the layers of rock exposed in a geographical region (the stratigraphic column). It is the fundamental unit of lithostratigraphy, the study of strata or rock layers. The lithology of a rock unit is a description of its physical characteristics visible at outcrop. Lithology is the basis of subdividing rock sequences into individual lithostratigraphic units for the purposes of mapping and correlation between areas. A geological map of the Ayad river basin has been prepared by using published geological map of Geological Survey of India (GSI) at 1:250,000 scale, Landsat-9 OLI-2 satellite imagery (30 m spatial resolution), SRTM DEM data (30 m spatial resolution), and Survey of India (SoI) topographical map at 1:50,000 scale with limited field check.
Source: Geological Survey of India (GSI).